Hi Everyone
Hope you are having a great day & enjoying the great summer weather. š
Some important tips to help you make best use of our upcoming meetup on 29th Jul. http://www.meetup.com/AppsJunction-Where-Startups-Meet-Developers/events/188675472/
Meetup format: We usually have colored pens for your name labels. e.g. Green for startups, Red for devs/tech so that you can network with the right people in short time.
- 1 hr pre-networking with free drinks & snacks courtesy of http://TechCitySkills.com and http://Appsjunction.net – two amazing portals from http://PhoenixGMN.com – App Development Studio who build apps for startups, 80+ apps on all app stores combined. Portfolio at http://superhitapps.com
- 1 hr of presentations time: talks & demos include – 40 tips on How to Promote Apps on Small Budget by http://twitter.com/navinarora of http://PhoenixGMN.com followed by some App demos andĀ presentations. You can find many hugely helpful presentations and guides for app startups here: http://appsjunction.net/popular-guides.html Please do share!
- 30 sec shout-outs/pitch slots on stage, where anyone can grab mic and tell audience who they are and what they are looking for. Please come prepared with your pitches to make best use of this networking event. This is followed by more networking and drinks.
- We are looking for quality App Demos, pitches, talks and presentations for our Aug meetup. Do get in touch if you are interested. Also, If you are interested in sponsoring our meetup then please do get in touch at appsjunction at gmail dot com.
- If you list your app at http://appsjunction.net/apps/list-your-apps.html in Jul/Aug, then we will tweet about it to 4700+ followers of http://twitter.com/appsjunction. That is Free Promotion for your App.
- Earlier this week, a totally revamped http://TechCitySkills.com was launched to solve #1 TechCity need – Free Job posting for London Startups & Entrepreneurs, Free tweets of your job posting, Free job alerts for registeredĀ candidates! You are welcome to post your requirement for CTOs/Cofounders, iOS/Android Devs, UX Gurus, Interns etc totally free at http://TechCitySkills.com. Follow at https://twitter.com/techcityskills
Annual Supporter:
Appsjunction Supported By: http://PhoenixGMN.com – We build MVP for Startups, prepare you for investors & help with App Funding & Promotion! We can help with specs & designs. We can help with funding by our Unique “Order Now – Pay Later” & “Revenue Share” Offers! Complete support for your App Startup:MVP/prototype from Ā£1500*, Explainer Videos from Ā£500, App Promotion & PR packages from Ā£500. Great Quality App Launch sites from Ā£300. And many other kind of help and support which a Startup needs.
Have a great day!
Navin & Appsjunction Team
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