16 Apr
Posted by admin as Android, AppsJunction News, Html5, iOS Developers, iPhone-iPad, London, Mobile Applications, Mobile Games, Tech Events, Tech News, Win Phone
Please NOTE: Venue this time is – Google Campus
Please signup for event here: http://www.meetup.com/AppsJunction-Where-Developers-Meet-Clients/events/175779502/
Looking for Developers/UX Designers/CTO for your App Projects? – download our App from http://appsjunction.net and connect with them.
Appsjunction Supported & Sponsored by Microsoft: We’re proud to be supporting Apps Junction London. At Microsoft, we are passionate about driving advances in devices, services & cloud computing, developing new ways for people to interact with technology at home, at work and on the move. Finally, we’d love to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest around apps, tools and the cloud. Please spend a minute or two to complete this brief survey and you’ll get automatic entry into a prize draw to win the amazing Nokia Lumia 1020Windows Phone handsets with a 41 megapixel camera, no less.
Checkout this helpful How To Go About An App Idea – Guide.
Supported By:
http://londonstudentjobs.co.uk/ twitter: @studentjobsl Its FREE for a LIMITED time to post an internship Job
Meet & Network with the coolest Apps Enthusiasts in London City. Form teams and start exciting projects. Meet Co-founders, Startups, Developers, Designers, UX Gurus, App Marketing Experts, Investors all in one day! When it comes to networking with the crowd which can help you in your Apps Venture, Appsjunction London is the place to be at.
*** Agenda ***
6:30pm– Greetings & networking over drinks
7:30pm-7:55pm – Microsoft & PhoenixGMN.com Presentations
7:55pm-8:15pm – Presentation on How to Find Good Devs and Case Study of An App Dev.
8:15pm-8:30pm – App Demos & Pitches – List TBC
8:30pm-8:40pm – 30 Sec shoutouts about what you do and what you are looking for
If you want to Sponsor or pitch/demo, get in touch ASAP
e-mail: appsjunction[at]gmail[dot]com
08:45pm – 10:00pm More Networking
Annual Supporter:
PhoenixGMN provides UK based Project Managers & low costmobile app developers for your outsourced projects. We take pride in providing a wide spectrum of mobile apps & websites to small and medium sized clients using our in-house expertise iniPhone, iOS, Android, Blackberry, HTML5 & Win Phonedevelopment.
About AppsJunction:
There are hundreds of app developers in London and thousands of people with an App Idea in their head. Let’s Make them meet then!
The intention of the networking event is:
Entrepreneurs & Speakers share their amazing knowledge & ideas with audience
Entrepreneurs meet developers, partners and investors
Developers meet clients, Developers meet developers
People with app ideas meet developers and app development agencies
What does this mean for YOU?
Excellent overview of the market, App stores, App Economy and what all the craze is about.
Several developers & clients can be reached within on evening at one place.
Business leads generation and scheduling of business meetings
Discussions only with key partners, easy way to meet the right ones.
Pleasant atmosphere for informal discussions and networking.
Please do follow/join us at:
Photos from our past events here at our official blog:
http://AppsJunction.Org – Please do share with your colleagues and friends