24 Sep
Posted by admin as AppsJunction News, Html5, Tech Events, Tech News
On 21st Sep 2012, Appsjunction Founder & Community Rep Navin Arora visited the Amazing Facebook London Office Opening Hackathon. The turn-out was impressive and we think around 150 hackers attended it. We also think it was oversubscribed and attracted the best of facebook developer talent around in London.
(Note: Don’t forget to join Appsjunction’s next popular App Demo evening on 2nd Oct 12 at Earls Court 2 with free drinks from Microsoft and AppsWorld, Signup fast as only few spots left)
The event started roughly at 9am with breakfast and presentations about facebook’s API, OpenGraph and some samples. Then the event’s sponsors Twilio, Pusher and Deezer show-cased their APIs which provided some really good ammunition to the various hacking ideas floating around.
There were 7 prizes to give away:
At around 12, lunch was served and the Hacking begun. Everyone was given around 7 hours to code and polish their idea. At 7pm, each of the 30 odd teams had to present their idea. After the 30 or so ideas were Demoed in front of the judges and audience, prizes were announced. Checkout the prize ceremony video below and some pics from the event.