15 Aug
Posted by admin as Android, AppsJunction News, Blackberry, Html5, iPhone-iPad, London, Mobile Applications, Mobile Games, Olympics, Tech Events, Tech News, TV Apps, TV Games, Win Phone
Everyone’s favorite AppsJunction London is back again!
August 2012 Special – Sponsored by PhoenixGMN.com – Low Cost Mobile Apps Development
Please note: NEW Venue! – @Google Campus |4-5 BONHILL STREET|LONDON EC2A 4BX
To get to Google Campus:
* Take Exit 4 at Old Street tube station to City Road
* Walk down City Road (past Pod & Sainsburys) and then take Epworth Street on your left
* Take the first right down Tabernacle St
* Then the first left onto Bonhill St
18:00 – Greetings & networking
19:00– Demos & Pitches
If you want to pitch/demo, get in touch ASAP
e-mail: appsjunction[at]gmail[dot]com
20:00 – 30 Secs Shout-outs
20:00 – 21:00 More Networking
Looking for Freelancers for your app projects – please make good use of our online discussion boards at http://appsjunction.co.uk/messages/boards/
The event is FREE of charge. Free Drinks & Snacks will be provided courtesy of our sponsor:
Is offering some Ready Made Apps (restaurant/clubs & bars/charity) which can be setup for as low as £500. We take pride in providing a wide spectrum of mobile apps to small and medium sized clients using our in-house expertise in iPhone, iOS, Android, Blackberry, HTML5& Win Phone development.
About AppsJunction:
There are hundreds of app developers in London and thousands of people with an App Idea in their head. Let’s Make them meet then!
AppsJunction invites YOU to its popular networking event where developers and people with ideas come together in a friendly casual atmosphere, to get to know each other and lay the foundation of many exciting partnerships.
The intention of the networking event is:
What does this mean for YOU?
Please do follow/join us at:
Our Official Blog:
http://AppsJunction.Org – Please do share with your colleagues and friends